The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Be an Optimist

be an optimist large

Suppose that on a day when you want to go for a hike, the sky is cloudy instead of sunny as forecasted. A pessimist would consider this an ominous sign of an impending storm and stay inside fretting about the weather. An optimist may use this as an opportunity to take pictures of nature when diffused light brings out the richness of colors. So the optimist packs a camera and adequate rain gear for a fulfilling hike.

As an optimist, you do not necessarily ignore that the glass is half-empty while rejoicing that the glass is half-full. You simply do not let the negative aspects of a situation overwhelm you. You attempt to improve the negatives and/or consider them in your planning. Maximizing the positives, correcting and improving the negatives, and accepting the things you cannot change will help you achieve the best possible outcome.

No wonder having an optimistic outlook is associated with longevity and a happier life.

- Separate the positives and the negatives when you assess any given situation (your plan for the weekend, your work, your relationships, your life).

- Maximize the positive.

- Assess the negative. Change and improve what is changeable. Accept the unchangeable.

- Make the best out of the situation.