The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Be Gentle with Salt

be gentle with salt large

Table salt is made of sodium chloride. And the sodium is what we are concerned about here. Although sodium is necessary for life, we tend to have too much of it.

In general, our bodies need less than one gram of sodium a day to help keep our systems going. Adequate sodium level maintains good blood pH and water balance in the body. It also maintains proper functioning of the nerves, stomach, and muscles.

For good health, we should limit sodium to less than two grams per day. Americans tend to consume about two to five grams of sodium in each meal. That is up to fifteen grams of sodium a day.

The main reason we tend to pack too much sodium into our daily intake is that there are many hidden sources of sodium. Sodium is found in all foods, but extra salt is usually added to packaged foods. One can of regular chicken noodle soup may have more than two grams of sodium, one cup of canned chili with beans may have 1.3 grams, and one cup of pasta sauce likely has at least 1 gram. Even a single cup of raisin bran cereal may pack 0.35 gram, while one blueberry muffin may have 0.25 gram of sodium.

Our bodies are able to excrete excess sodium. But as the body rids itself of sodium, other important minerals such as calcium are flushed out as well. Before it exits the body, the excess sodium may also cause harm.

Some of us are sensitive to sodium. Too much of it may raise blood pressure. As the incidence of high blood pressure increases as we age, this is something we do not need. Aggressively cutting down on sodium has been shown to help control high blood pressure.

- Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They are naturally low in sodium. They also have potassium, which may help decrease blood pressure.

- Avoid processed and prepackaged foods. Buy low-sodium versions of packaged foods if you must use them.

- Read food labels for sodium content of packaged foods.

- Avoid cured meats and cold cuts.

- Season with other flavors, using little or no salt. In this country, we are blessed with spices from all over the world. If you do not have it at your local market, you may easily get it on the Internet.

- Drink enough water.