The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Enjoy Your Food

enjoy your food large

We eat to satisfy our bodies and give them the nutrients and calories needed to function. Eating can lift our spirits as well.

Whenever you eat, ask yourself why you are eating. The honest answer may surprise you. Have you ever eaten not because you were hungry, but because you were lonely, stressed, bored, overtired, or with company?

The term “comfort food” exists for good reason. Many people who gain weight from overeating do so for reasons other than hunger. Rather than having food playing a negative role in our lives, we can turn the situation around to make food our friend and a source of our health and wellness, as it should be.

- Eat mindfully:

Sit down and eat slowly. Savor the sight, smell, and the taste of your food. Appreciate the texture of the food in your mouth. The same applies to drinking fluids such as water, coffee, or tea. Eating mindfully is a form of meditation, and it can help manage stress and lift the spirit.

- Eat only when you feel hungry:

Do not wait until you are famished to eat. On a fullness scale of zero to ten, zero being absolute hunger and ten being absolute fullness, start to eat when the scale comes down to three. Stop eating when the scale reaches six or seven. It takes about twenty minutes for our brains to get the message that we are full.

- Do something else that you like if you find yourself eating for a reason other than hunger.

- Eat nutrient-dense foods:

In other words, give yourself food of the best nutritional quality. You deserve the best!

- Cook with spices:

Cooking with herbs and spices not only flavors your meals, but doing so may also help prevent certain diseases.

- Eat foods that keep you from feeling hungry for longer periods:

Foods high in fiber, protein, and water tend to keep you feeling full longer. This helps control unnecessary nibbling and prevents wild swings of sugar levels in your body. Fortunately, nutrient-dense foods tend to satisfy our appetites longer, compared to foods that carry empty calories.

- Take control of your eating:

If you practice the above, you will be in charge of your eating. Instead of negative associations with food, such as feelings of guilt, positive feelings of well-being will follow.