The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Love and Enjoy What You Have

love and enjoy what you have

We tend to take what we already have for granted—and want what we do not have. After we obtain something we want, we eventually want more of something else. And this cycle repeats itself again and again.

What we have is not limited just to material possessions, but also our human connections, our talents, and our surroundings. Often it is only after we lose something—whether it’s our health, family, friends, pets, money, or anything else— that we realize how much we had.

One key to happiness is taking stock of and appreciating all the things we already have in our lives.

- Compare yourself with those with less, and you will appreciate what you have more:

Someone is bound to have more of something than you do. But you likely have more in other areas than many people do.

- Note the difference between the way things are here in the United States versus third-world countries:

You can easily make a long list just by scanning a newspaper like The New York Times. Major problems in other countries include rampant corruption, dictatorship, out-of-control natural disasters, lack of security, poor or nonexistent basic health care, and inadequate infrastructures (roads and bridges). We can certainly appreciate how lucky we are to be in this country.

- Enjoy life to the fullest by using what you have to your best advantage.