The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Power up with Strength Training

Power up with strength training large

Strength training is also known as weight training or resistance exercise.

After age thirty, a person’s body starts to lose muscle. After age thirty-five, bones start to thin. Strength training builds our muscles and strengthens our bones. When muscles are stressed but not overwhelmed, they grow larger and stronger to better deal with the load, as do bones.

Strength training also increases our metabolism. The extra muscle growth after strength training requires more energy. This helps keep our weight in check. This is good news for those of us who love to eat!

In addition, strength training enhances the production of endorphins in our brains, making us feel happy and healthy. Hormone changes in our bodies from strength training energize us. The increase in sex hormones also causes us to desire and enjoy sex more.                

Strength training is not only for bodybuilders. And it certainly is not only for men. All adults at any age can do it and benefit from it. The appealing body shape that is a result certainly provides additional incentive.

You do not have to bench-press a hundred pounds or squat another hundred pounds to see benefits. Studies have shown that after eight weeks of simple muscle-building exercises, people in their eighties who initially used walkers or canes could walk without assistance.

You can train with machines, free weights, resistance tubing, or any equipment that provides resistance to your efforts. You can do this at a gym or at home. You can learn to do it by yourself with books or videos. Some people prefer to have workout companions or a trainer. It is likely easier and safer to work with an instructor if you are doing it for the first time.

As always when you are new to any kind of exercise, you need to start slowly, gradually increasing. Stressing the muscles too early too soon with too much load can overwhelm them and cause injuries.

Generally, when working with weights, you want to start out using a weight with which you can do up to eight repetitions. For those of us who are out of shape, this may mean using only our own body weight. Gradually increase to fifteen repetitions. Once you can do that, you may want to increase the weight, again doing up to eight repetitions, increasing the number gradually. Repeat the cycle.

The major muscle groups in strength training are those in the chest, back, shoulders, arms, abdomen, and legs. Within each muscle group, you need to include the opposing muscles in your workout. For example, do not just do bicep curls without paying attention to triceps exercises. Before or after working on your abdomen, you need to strengthen your back as well.

Try to do strength training at least twenty minutes, two to three times a week. Do not work on the same muscle group two days in a row. After working out, each muscle needs at least two days to recover and become stronger. Some people find it most beneficial to work on different major muscle groups on different days of the week, repeating the same muscle group after one week.

- Throw away any excuse you may have for not doing it. Plan a workout, make it fun, and enjoy it!