The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

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Which of the following is most important in determining your health: Your age? Your income?  Your race? Whether or not you work? Your education level?

Would you be surprised to learn that your ability to find, understand, and use health information is more important than any of the above factors? Would you also be surprised to know that this “health literacy” does not necessarily require years of education or general reading ability? In other words, no matter what your life station, you can make the best of your physical and psychological health by learning and applying relevant health information.

The Pearls of Life was written to help you achieve this goal. It gathers proven ancient wisdom and the latest scientific findings, then refines them into gems of short chapters in plain language. It organizes complicated details into simpler principles. It also suggests practical points that you may use in your everyday life.

The things we need for our optimal health and happiness are often amazingly simple and readily available. We just need to realize that they are there and make the most of them.

Every time I have to visit my mechanic, I need him to talk to me straight in order to understand what is happening with my car. Similarly, from years of medical practice, I have recognized that even educated people, unless they are in the medical field, may benefit most when health information is presented in simple terms. The Pearls of Life is an offering based on this principle.

Congratulations on having picked up The Pearls of Life. Congratulations for being on your way to a healthier and happier you!

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Fit and tailor the recommendations from the book into your life. Put what you learn into practice. After you adopt one recommendation, others often follow. The more of the points you incorporate into your life, the more likely it is for you to be healthy and happy.

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