The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Touch and Be Touched

touch and be touched large

Studies have shown that gentle touch of the skin and the underlying tissue can trigger cascades of changes in our bodies, positively affecting our brains and hormones to make us happier and healthier.

Babies do not develop normally if deprived of touch. An experiment on survival after a heart attack concluded with the surprising finding that among many non-medical factors, pet ownership and the opportunity to “pet” a pet have the strongest positive effect on survival. The effect is even stronger than whether or not a person is married. Even subliminal touch, when the recipient of the touch is not consciously aware of the gentle touch by the experimenter during the encounter, is shown to make the recipient feel better.

Depending on your upbringing, certain touches are more acceptable than others are. Seek out the contact that feels comfortable to you: tender touches from a spouse or a partner, firm and warm touches from friends, and reassuring touches on the shoulder from someone you respect and trust.

Also, give welcomed touches to people you know who appreciate your sharing of personal space. The giver of a welcomed touch appears to benefit as much as the person receiving it does.

In addition, as suggested earlier, petting pets brings happiness and longevity to their owners.

You yourself can even be a source of touch. Massage the forehead, temples, back of neck, lower back—anywhere on your body that can appreciate the release of tension.

Many patients come to me for headache or neck pain. During the examination, a gentle massage of the tense area often promptly alleviates and relieves the pain.

There are tools for massage as well. In Taiwan, where I come from, there are even parks with paths paved with smooth stones where people can walk barefoot to stimulate foot massage. I like to use a commercial foot massager when reading at the end of the day. Some people enjoy chair massagers.

- Learn how to massage yourself and others:

Take a massage course or learn from videos or books. Make sure that when massaging the limbs, you always massage toward the heart, rather than away from it.

- Cultivate close relationships. Share touches with people you are comfortable with.

- Use massagers that make you feel good.

- Have a professional massage.

- Enjoy a relaxing shower: 

Let the warm jets of water massage your forehead, face, back of your head, shoulders, and back.

- Get a pet if your circumstances allow. Be mindful of possible allergies.