The Pearls of Life:

101 Simple Ways to Health and Happiness

Commune with Nature

commune with nature

The wisdom of Nature speaks to us heart to heart, and Nature’s first language is beauty.  

 - Tim McNulty



Have you ever visited the Grand Canyon? Did its majesty and grandeur awe you as the unassuming ground in front of you suddenly opened up as you approached the canyon? 

Have you ever sat by a creek and let the murmur of the stream carry your mind and soul away to a different time and place?

Have you ever looked at the flower of a dandelion, one of the weeds that Americans spend millions of dollars on every year in an attempt to eradicate from their lawns? Were you amazed by how such a seemingly simple flower could be made of so many intricate, much smaller florets? Were you ever fascinated by the puffy balls of white seeds that these florets turn into? Did you ever pick one up and blow the feathery seeds to watch them float in the air?

Even violent storms and powerful earthquakes shake us with their awesome wonder, reminding us of our place in the world.

Nature awes us. It can soothe us. And beauty abounds in it. Repeatedly, we are able to center ourselves and have better perspectives about our lives and the world when we are exposed to nature.

Much scientific research has confirmed that even brief exposure to nature may ease pain, reduce stress, and speed healing.

And nature can be found almost anywhere. It can be found in your planned and long-awaited trips—not just in the destinations, but also outside your moving car or airplane, and beyond the rails of the sailing ship.

It can be found in your everyday life, in the woods, rivers, and lakes, and in parks, gardens, and flower boxes. It can be just outside your windows. Wherever you are in the open, just look above you to see the ever-changing sky.

You may notice weeds poking through cracks on sidewalks against all odds. They may sport apparently inconspicuous stalks of green flowers that are as intricate and spectacular under a magnifying glass as the most prized flowers in an expensive flower shop. And when you take time to examine the veins with the velvety green fuzz, you realize that the plain leaves of these weeds are not so plain after all.

Moreover, you can always look into the eyes—at the irises—of the person you love. You can also do so with yours in the mirror. Look! Marvel at the ridges and valleys and their varied colors, and realize how this constricting and expanding circular band of natural creation lets the visual wonders of the world into your soul.

- Go outside of your dwelling as much as you can, especially when the weather is comfortable:

Stroll in a park or a garden. Bike on country lanes. Hike in the woods and the mountains. Sit by a river or a lake. Feel the breeze on your skin. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Listen to the rustle of the leaves in the trees. And observe the changes in the sky.

- Maximize windows with views in your dwelling: 

Studies have shown that a window with a view to nature hastens healing in a hospital room. Surely it also promotes well-being even when you are not ill.

- Bring nature indoors with indoor plantings or fresh-cut flowers and plants.

- Place images of nature—photography or paintings—on walls, counters, and desks:

Art pieces do not have to be professionally made. Pictures of you, friends, or family in natural settings will do.

- Use images of nature as your computer screen saver.